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Memorial For G. D. Kuvertas (Sights)

The monument for the first person, who enriched the environment with greenery, was built in 1856. Later in this place dune attendants and foresters were started to be buried. In the old foresters’ small graveyards in Nida rest the pioneers of enriching environment with greenery – father Gottlieb Dovydas and his son Georgas Kuvertas.

In XIX century, they started to plant the wandering Nida’s dune and dune’s sand plain near the old Post Office road, in this way rescuing Nida and the old Post road from being blown with sand.

The monument is situated at the end of G. D. Kuvertas street (driving from Nida – at the right –hand side of the road Klaipeda – Kaliningrad ). Around the middle of XVIII mentury, the innkeeper F.K. Kuvertas owned Nida’s Inn and the Post Station. Survival of the whole Nida’s village is connected with this Kuvertas’ heritage. The Kuvertas‘ became the most influencial and reachest people. Gotlibas Dovydas Kuvertas (1748 - 1827) purchased the material of almost sandbound Kuncu church, delivered them to Nida and constructed a large building, which housed an inn, apartment, rooms for lodging and post-office, in the middle of the village. In the beginning of XIX century, when sand started to threaten the third Nida, in order to save his institution, G. D.Kuvertas started to fortify and plant the wandering dunes. The old Kuvertas was helped by his son Georgas Dovydas who took over the inheritance upon his father’s death and continued the work related with the post office. The planting works, which were started by the Kuvertases, have prepared the soil for subsequent plantations. Georgas Dovydas buried his father at the cemetary set in young forest. Before his death, he also requested to bury him next to his father.

The residents of Nida ordered a monument for the Kuvertas‘ with a vase standing on the plinth, which in ancient times was intended for keeping not only treasures, but also water – the biggest worth for the nature.
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